Return to the North

By Viking

Hooded Merganser

A very rare visitor to British waters! A colleague asked me on Friday whether I had been to Tophill Low to see the Hooded Merganser which was 'showing' there. I hadn't heard anything so said 'no' but that I might head over this weekend as the weather was meant to be good.
So this morning sis and I got up and off early and first headed up to Flamborough Head to look for Puffins (chances are you will see one on Aragon69's blip) and then on the way back we went to Tophill Low. We hadn't been walking long when i broke the rules and looked over the reservoir wall and there was the Hooded Merganser - pretty much in front of us (although at a distance, hence the crop)

In extras i've added a shot of a puffin (of course!) a peregrine which while not brilliantly clear is better than any I've taken before  and a couple of other shots of the day.
All told we saw lots of woodland birds, yellow wagtails and a half dozen different species of butterfly. We were both buggered by the end of the walks but worth it

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