
Over to friends this afternoon who laid on some extra drama. This had started as a controlled burn but got a bit out of hand; thankfully the fire crew subdued it but given another 10 minutes and I reckon it'd have jumped into yet another field, this one close to housing.

Another day of beautiful weather. We sat outside with H and D for coffee and cake and also met the family's newest human addition, 6 months old and (apparently unusually!) well behaved. D also sorted out our laptop conundrum for which we are very grateful.

We took the scenic route home via another controlled burn that we'd been watching as we had coffee. This one was obviously much better managed and had largely subsided by the time we went past. I'm not sure sure what this burning achieves; kills wildlife and soil microbes in the active top layer, I'd have thought, and woe betide any birds that might have started nesting.

I've turned off comments for a while as I'm so slow with jobs at the moment and evenings on the screen aren't helping. I'll catch up as and when but hope you'll bear with ... :-)

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