The essence of the mess

By SunkeneyedGirl

The Child opted out of a school trip because she had been to the particular castle her class were visiting before - twice.
I told her that we could go where she wanted. Within reason.
She chose the ducal palace in Urbino. Which we have visited about 4 times together already and also a few times separately!

Today I found out that I do not like underground car parking.

I also discovered that: "La Muta" (Raphael) is being restored; "La Città Ideale" (Laurana) is visiting Tokyo (and while on the subject: GUYS, an Epson printer enlargement does NOT do the job as well); there was a nice lady filling in and restoring a marble floor, and none of the duke's apartments was open because - well, the smell of fresh whitewash and damp was enough to tell us why.

I also found out that I don't have to pay to get in because people who live in Urbino get in free! (They owe me a fair bit in refunds).

We had fun anyway, seeing how near we could point at mediaeval art before the buzzer went off. I think we pointed at over a hundred different art works, using the "quick-fire point", the "random general point" and oh, don't ask!

We also took a good look at all the works by Barocci that aren't on show in the National Gallery at the moment. Worth a look, I'd say - but then I am a sucker for sweet-faced renaissance madonnas and cherubs (sssshhhh...).

Then after the culture and the pizza slices with chips on the top - yes, pizza with built-in chips is the way forward - The Child turned to me and very sweetly said: "Ok, Old Lady, now it's time to go and buy some plastic crap, just like you promised!"


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