Crazy About Birds

By Kimb


There's a nice patch of Mayapples right past the field where our two pals General and Flinch (horses) hang out. Just about every time we walk we give our pals a carrot each - and they're starting to anticipate our arrival, I think. Meanwhile, the Mayapple flower will become a green small "apple" by mid to late summer. Apparently the entire plant is poisonous, but the apple is edible once it is ripe. When it's ripe, it's yellow. I don't know if I've ever seen a ripe one. Woodland Box Turtles like them.

The two extras are of a charming mystery we found further down the dirt road this morning. The first one is how it looked when I noticed it, the second is how it looked after we moved a couple of flowers to repair it. Someone made a heart out of dandelion flowers! What does it mean? Who was it for?

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