
By Akasha

Leanne's Birthday

It has been my daughters 22nd birthday today. She is quite a character to put it mildly and she is not known for suffering fools gladly. Her diplomacy skills are zero.
She is a post grad at Lincoln University and at the moment is working as a carer a job she actually likes ( apart from the pay) she took the job as she would have a chance to work with children, she is hoping to do a PGTP. She also is doing some teaching work experience at a school in Driffield. She wants to teach 11 - 18 year old. Ideally she would like to teach 6th formers as she says they are the kids that want to be there.
She came into this world at nine pound and ten and a half ounces (I am 5 ft and a bit so you can imagine the size I was!!!!!) She was a text book baby and didn't know I had her till she was two years old..... and then.... well if you have seen The Exorcist or The Omen you may have just a little insight. Never any trouble with the usual street stuff (drink, drugs and smoking) but God she's was and is a willful little mare , as my son is recently so found of saying " She doesn't f---k about does she"! She is the owner of Rosie the little pug cross that features here regularly on my blip,so again you get my point.
Any way, Cheers to Leanne and a happy 22nd birthday

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