
Here's a photo I took yesterday when Mandy and Jon came over for a Covid-19 rules compliant visit and later a walk at The Devil's Dyke.

Mandy is always a very patient model, she has to be because I take a bet of time setting these cameras up. Yesterday was no exception because for months I've been waiting to try a portrait using my MPP Monorail 5 x 4 in camera which takes a bit of setting. It wasn't very warm either...

Hopefully you'll agree this fits the mono-monday theme 'Now'.

MPP Monorail 4 x 5in Camera and Schneider Kreuznach Symmar 1:5.6/150mm, Fomapan 100, f22 at 1/10 sec.  Scanned with Epson Perfection V800.

In other news, the man came to service our water softener... as it turns out it didn't need servicing. The reason being it was b*******d and had to be replaced. The guy had one in his van and did the job there and then and we kissed goodbye to £700.

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