Spring flowers

Amazingly, most of the plants and flowers in the garden have bounced back after the recent cold spell, the Lambing Snow, as it is traditionally known. Lots of blackened and sad looking leaves, but now new ones are starting to appear.  

In the last few years we have been planting hellebores and they are doing really well, see extra. They seem to be able to cope with life up here, even though the front garden is pretty exposed!

The main picture, the snakes head fritillary, is a beauty. Not quite fully open yet, it reminds me of a butterfly, just emerging, before its wings properly fill out. 

Such a lovely day that I managed to get Ruth to come and sit outside for a wee while. Not for long, but she did enjoy being out in the fresh air. Ten weeks since her stroke, and she's getting stronger by the day.  

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