Further my skills

By H0tamer

The new Now!

Random_angel added as theme for today's Mono Monday issue Now!
D. and I were busy the whole day, that was our Now. But being busy doesn't really give the opportunity to blip.
So I went out this evening, shortly after 10pm. And took this picture as an example of our new "Now!": we have a curfew in nearly all of Germany. The streets should be empty, only single pedestrians allowed.
Finally the federal government could agree with the 16 states on a country-wide law. Some things are more strict, others not, but most and for all we now have one rule. No messy mess of rules per state or even per county or city.
One of the rules is the curfew. Local governments tried to introduce it but often local courts of justice stopped them. Not so any more.
Germany is not getting away from Covid-19 quick enough, as a matter of fact we are going in the wrong direction.
Hopefully the new rules will be of help.

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