Easeneye Cows

I'd read that a cuckoo had been seen at Easeneye so Ollie dog and I went for a walk there this afternoon. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. Ollie paddled in the river and the ford.

I haven't seen cattle grazing here before. On our outward journey Ollie was off the lead and they were distant and paid us no attention. As we returned the herd decided to approach and follow us. I put Ollie's lead on. She was scared but I kept talking saying, "Don't worry, Mummy will look after you." What lovely cows." "What a good girl you are." Eventually she settled down and we strode at the head of the herd with the leaders breathing down our necks until we got to the next stile. I must admit I was relieved to get there. They were beautiful, gentle, inquisitive young heifers but one does hear of dog walkers getting trampled by cattle. I didn't see the sign on the stile on the way out. It says if one is chased by cattle to let one's dog off the lead.  

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