Not quite out of the woods

Literally and figuratively.. Fletch enjoying the bluebells in Seawood. Hes still not fully recovered but 'on the mend'.

 He doesnt seem to be aware hes been very poorly and mustn't get too excited and had a lovely leisurely stroll( and a few rolly pollies) through the woods which we had to our selves so he could be off the lead.

All 3 of us slept much better last night, thank goodness. Fingers crossed he continues to improve. (Im still a bit anxious .. )

Tonight is the night of the Pink Supermoon. As part of our camera club project we were all asked to photograph it, wherever in the world we lived. Such a nice idea but of course as what tends to happen... it is overcast and no sign of the moon at all. Typical. 

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