Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Another lovely person

This evening I have been having a lovely chat with Nathaniel from Network Rail;
Nathaniel: Hi Tivoli, my name is Nathaniel, Customer Service Advisor at the Network Rail National Helpline, how can I help you today?
Tivoli: Hi Nathaniel :-) I'm using this means of contact because my issue isn't what most people would regard as urgent,
Tivoli: I live in Chatham and to walk into Rochester I pass beneath a railway bridge which is netted
Tivoli: On Saturday, as I walked beneath this bridge, I saw a pigeon that was inside the netting, slip and get caught head down between the netting and some steelwork.
Tivoli: There was nothing I could do to help the bird and when I passed beneath the bridge again on Sunday the bird was still trapped head-down and flapping frantically.
Tivoli: Naturally enough the bird is still there, now dead, but it seems to me that the netting is not serving a useful purpose so perhaps it should be removed?
Nathaniel: Pigeon netting is the responsibility of the local council Tivoli. You would need to contact them direct regarding this.
Tivoli: OK, Thanks Nathaniel :-) That's a pity, but thanks for your time and your guidance
Nathaniel: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Tivoli: No, that's OK thanks :-) I'll try to get hold of the council - Wish me luck! :-)
Nathaniel: If you don't have any luck with the council, come back to us and we'll see what we can do Tivoli.

The image is a different piece of pigeon netting on a different piece of Network Rail property

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