
Our restrictions have just changed which mean we can meet in groups of 6 from however many households...the last few weeks we could meet as a 6 but only 2 households. Anyway, we had our first face to face team meeting in months! We met on the rocky beach at The Tree. Brilliant to share communion and share stories, pray together and plan for the future. Next Wednesday a couple move here to be part of the community for 6 months! 

This is Nate's daily ritual - hanging off the gate waiting for Asha and her friends to come out. That's them sat in the distance. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A brilliant meeting. 
2) Asha's friends being so kind to Nate all high fiving him! 
3) Nate's sports teacher coming to talk to us to tell us Nate has a fantastic throw! 

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