Beautiful Weeds

First, thank you to all who commented and left beautiful stars and hearts for my Tree Nymph butterflies yesterday. 
These sweet little yellow flowers are from a 'weedy annual' called Carolina Desert-chicory Pyrrhopappus carolinianus. Now that's a mouthful, right? These small, delicate flowers pop up everywhere this time of the year. Most folks probably think of them as weeds 'invading' their lawns but the bees and butterflies love them, as do I. They are native to the Eastern and South Eastern US and are in the Asteraceae or Compositae family. They are also known as Texas dandelion and their seed heads makes beautiful 'clocks'! Check the*extra...I call this photo 'Clocked Out', C calls it '4:20'. They bloom from spring to frost and their heads turn to face the sun throughout the day. 
Be Well.    :)

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