
By wingpig

not exactly an holiday but still sunny

Hmmm. The first evening of the third thrice-decadely Nickymodule/wingpig parent meet-up is going OK so far. Possibly helped by the fact that one set of parents were quite thouroughly pissed by the time the second set arrived. I know they're enjoying themselves and I know they might be nervous and I know its the way they were all brought up but...
I wish they'd perhaps cope with it in a manner other than getting pissed. They'd be able to pay attention to what everyone else was saying rather than just continually ramping up the chat-volume until it's cringingly loud and likely to be severely pissing off everyone in an adjacent room. Still, we eventually found a restaurant which turned out to be quite good and only elicited six or so stage-whisper comments of the "one pound ninety-five for VEGETABLES?!" variety. Codgers, eh?

I would quite like to post a secondary picture of the first of probablymany peopleportraits I intend to take this weekend but I'm not quite sure I can stand the hassle and frustration of finding and installing an FTP client for this THING and would then have to go and find my settings from my ISP account. The first couple of steps are too irritating to complete at the moment so I'll maybe leave it until I return. Tomorrow will definitely require a few extra links...;)

Homeagain but not that many other pictures for tody. Just one of the nice hotel taps in the silly bathroom (front of the hotel on the third floor and with an unfrosted window starting from an inch below toilet seat level) and one of a parent or two.

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