Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Coffee time

Big excitement, Ali and I met in town today to do some shopping and of course, to have coffee. Our at least I had coffee, she's off it just now so she had hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows. It was a bit chilly sitting outside so we had a bacon roll too - as one does!
Back home I spent a couple of hours in the garden. I'll be very glad when this weekend is passed and with our the last forecast frost, at least for a while. My coldframe is running out of space so everything needs planted out.
I complained to the supplier about my Sabine Hay daffs, although I admitted it was likely they would come good next year. To my delight they are sending me another batch in the Autumn. Sometimes it's rewarding to be nice.
I felt the need to do some baking when I came back in so rustled up a batch of nuttela and chocolate chip cookies, then I had to test one, of course.
I'm feeling a bit tired which may be down to my vaccine. I've lots of duties in church tomorrow so I'll have an early night tonight.
Keep safe and well everybody, slow but sure.

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