Little Visitor

I am in the very weird position of being someone who absolutely adores dogs in theory, but is terrified of them in practice. Show me a video of an adorable dog doing something cute; I'm in. Bring an adorable dog into my house; panic attack. As such, I was a bit reticent about Sarah popping over for a visit with Pam today and bringing her pup Peggy, but it turned out quite lovely! Sarah was very kind about my cynophobia and made sure to keep Peggy away from me on her lead. Not all dog owners are so gracious (even my own family members in the past have preferred I lock my terrified self in the bathroom in my own home rather than confine their dog to the garden or one room during a visit...) and it was nice to see all 3 of them. Peggy did seem keen for a Stace hug though, which made me feel a bit bad!

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