Meanwhile in New Zealand ...

Who could not smile at receiving this in your WhatsApp mailbox!  A bundle of mischief and creativity - painting, drawing, playdoh, glitter abundance and imaginary play all going strong!  She can dress herself (shoes not quite on the right feet) and add hairbands and clips to the flowing locks!  She is in fine form, a young woman of strong opinions, riotous giggles and the occasional spectacular tantrum!  Go Esme! She's very like her grandmother in more ways than one.

I do't know what I've done today but it's a been a very pleasant, Sundayish sort of day starting off with a chat with my brother who was enjoying breakfast on his turret - as you do - listening to parakeets!  A bit of pootling and bimbling and now it's time to make supper. Bad weather heading our way tomorrow.

Lazy Sunday

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