...spilt milk an' all that...

woke up and saw the light, and it didn't hurt! that's a good sign i hope.

up at 7am, after loads of sleep. had gone to bed in pain at 9.30am and slept pretty much straight through.

drizzly horrible morning, and the weather forecast is saying snow is due tomorrow. a day of going nowhere again. though did take Pete a walk around the block as he's going stir crazy being couped up with me since thursday night. he must be cos he nearly leapt out of the window when he saw the postman...so relieved at seeing some other ugly mug, other than mine!

called at mums on little walk, and Big Pete was there. lovely to see him. back home and a lazy afternoon reading papers, and playing around with my camera, until eye pain returned at about 5ish, so more tablets took.

fish casserole for tea, and then lazing on the sofa, waiting for the snow.....

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