We have cubs!

I wondered if we would have cubs in our fox den this spring as the foxes have been really badly affected by mange all through the winter. There was one point in February where one of the vixens had no fur at all on either her back legs and tail and I really thought she would freeze to death - but they are hardy little souls, and despite everything she has pulled through and even had a cub! My neighbour and I have been treating the foxes with homeopathic mange treatment and thankfully they are now recovering.
This morning my two vixens Holly and Mama were out on my lawn with 3 cubs, at first I thought they were all Mama's, but then I realised one was much smaller and darker than the others and obviously younger - so they both have cubs, at least 3! The smaller one is really feisty, and constantly seeking attention - bless.
I also found a very odd bluebell patch - with extra long sepals on the flowers- see extra - if anyone has any idea?

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