*Rant* Idiotic van driver..

This afternoon my 9 and 6 year old popped out to sell cakes for charity to friends in our street and the one next door. We live on a quiet little estate where I've always felt safe for them to have a little wander as long as they are with another child.

This was the state of my son when they came home. A van drive not once, not twice, not 3 times but 4 TIMES drove through a puddle at speed (my daughter reckons way about the 30 limit) and soaked my son.

Understandably he was pretty shaken up by the experience and now doesn't want to leave our street without me. We had to walk into town afterwards and he was really scared that he would get soaked again or that the van driver would come after him.

We reported it to the police but as the children didn't get more than the initial P off the registration its highly unlikely that the idiot will face the consequences of his actions. My children should be able to wander round the roads of our estate without having to worry about dangerous drivers or being soaked to the skin.

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