It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


Spent a lot of time doing updates and sorting new iPhone out while I was off work. Jeez what a fuss. I thought the drone updates and re charge would be simple.....but oh no.
Because I have the Smart controller for the Mavic Pro 2 its an entity all of its own. I had forgotten it wasn't picking up home Wi-Fi as I have had that updated since I last used it so that was why it didn't find any start with.
Once it found the Wi-Fi it found a good few updates to keep itself amused for hours! The it said the drone needed updating so off it went for another eternity to do that. 
After I had test flown the Pro 2 I've been trying to get the photos from the smart controller to download onto the iPhone. (tried it several times before but no go.) Googled it before still no go. So I am a devil if I cant get things to work I turn into Sherlock Holmes so I can get to the bottom of why it wont work. So after several times gong through a convo online about how other people have dealt with this I tried it. Would you believe it actually worked!! So another problem sorted.

The it was time for the Mavic Mini. Well that decided the rear props on one side were running too fast and I needed to land immediately. Looking at them I found nothing wrong but got my mini screw driver set out and tightened the screws on the props and took her up again. 
More beeping and twitching of the rear set of props ( its like a wounded animal holding a paw up) really is quite cute how it tells you something is wrong. 
So after more googling I found that maybe the props were in the carry box too long and had warped the shape slightly. So I got the spare ones out and changed them. Took her up for a tentative flight straight up and thankfully no beep! Now all charged and I'm going to dedicate my iPhone 10 (now have a iPhone 12)  to fly the Mavic Mini as its still good on battery charge. 
Now to sort rest of camera gear out for my holiday.
Went back to work yesterday (which hurt a lot ) but I cant stay at home forever so Ill have to deal with it.
Tonight I have my second AR in a month so I've decided to take a union rep in because I'm expecting a warning of some description. I've done everything by the book so we will see what happens.


Its a minute to Midnight.....

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