
By Topsyturvy

Ne'er cast a clout and all that

LH is currently going round a golf course - hope he's taken his waterproofs. He claims he does better in the rain but I suspect that's because quite a lot of the opposition sensibly withdraws!

A morning walk with Berry again. So good to have her wandering (or nosing!) with us and a bit shocking how reluctant we felt mentally to commit to going out. We've just become so completely out of the habit and our days are now casually planned without a walk. A good activity to reinstate for both of us.

The Berrydog walk isn't at all the meditative occupation we had with Poppydog. This is dog training on the hoof with anticipation and vigilance, not a space for admiring the scenery. But we'll get to that point in time. So it's work rather than play just now.

I'm trying to finish a bag project now that I've a bit more mobility in the arm. If I complete it tonight then it'll have taken 13 years from start to finish! Ah, the perils of getting distracted ...

Thank you all for giving Berry hearts for getting out into the big wide world :-))

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