Yellow Bird, an Immigrant

This yellow bird fell at my feet while I was outdoors shopping for plants. It may have banged into a plate glass window. He just lay there flopping helplessly. So, I picked him up and held the little body for a while in case it was just in shock and needed some heating. He had fallen on the right side and that wing did not seem to be moving.
So, I took it to my car and gently laid it in the bottom of a shopping bag. If I were at home I could use my bird care box. I lay the bag next to the driver's side, got my purchases, and instead of doing the other 50% of my shopping I drove back home (8 miles) to take care of him.
He looked alert in the bottom of the bag when I took him out at home. I put him on a dogwood branch, but he would not fly and did not try to move the right wing.
I figured I needed to get my blip quickly then set up a hospital box. (Priorities: BLIP first).
Got my camera and took him in my hand out to the sunny deck where this picture was taken of him sitting still in my hand. I only got one shot with my left hand. He walked out of my hand, looked up and said "Thanks" and flew off into my trees.
He no longer had to fly along the highway into a shopping center.
Being an immigrant he'll feed up and move on north for the summer.
Is he a yellow warbler? I may have to ask Debbi (dbfulco blipper). Unless I hear otherwise I'll say he's a yellow warbler. I have never seen one here before.
This morning was a big immigrant bird day at my window feeder. Not only both Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, but one of those sparrow with the white head stripes, tiny Chipping sparrows, and a Baltimore Oriole. This is in addition to my usual crowd.
Driving him all the way home I sang that old Haitian song: Yellow Bird by my favourite Roger Whittaker

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