Loney Girl

By loneygirl


Sometimes not everything we see is beautiful.
There are moments that tug one's heart and rattle our senses.
Sometimes we try to help with the hope that it could somehow get them thru even for just one day.

My early walk around Dumaguete this morning did just that. This part of the city was slow in waking up today, a Sunday. The shops were mostly closed and hardly anyone was up and about except for a few street vendors and this lady with her child. The difference in dialect made it hard for us to converse and all I could pick up from our talk is that they came from the Southern part of Mindanao island. They belong to the Badjao tribe and have been hopping on and off boats traveling to other parts of the country looking for a better life. Political instability and lack of job opportunities are some of the reasons they move out.

May I apologize to those of you who may find this Blip a bit disturbing.

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