Potting on Therapy

Potting on Therapy.
Wet again so I moved my 'outdoor potting table' into the workshop. My task was to pot on from small plugs to a larger container the Petunias we had picked up on-line as an offer on our last order. I love Petunias. This was a mixed batch so the surprise will come with the colour later.
I found the Newspaper Eco Paper Pot Maker daughter Nicki had bought me a few years ago and set to work. 
I don't know about other people but a newspaper in our house is quite rare. We stopped buying newspapers  a few years ago. No freebie papers come into our door in this village for a number of years. I knew I had a few newspapers in my BBQ box which happened to be a photographic paper I picked up from the camera club over a year ago. I did have to disipline myself to getting on with the job and not reading the paper.
The whole experience was quite therapeutic.
Lisening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix on Alexa, a glass of Pepsi Cherry Max and talking to each small plug as I potted them on.
I managed to get half the plants done today.

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