They're not here !!

This was me just after 7 this morning. The cycle path was empty. I actually only passed three people on the 4 mile cycle. It felt strange cycling my bike without the trailer attached to it. 
I had a great wee work shift. No hazmat suit, just scrubs and a mask and crocs. Made me feel like the nurses that we walked past. I have only ever been in the main parts of the hospital before so it felt strange going in the underground and staff part's. It's definitely a maze with so many doors and corridor's to try and find your way to the theatre's. I worked with two other women today who had travelled down from Edinburgh. They will train me up over the next few weeks and then I shall be on my own . I then had a great cycle back home in the rain . It was pouring for half the cycle, I had a lovely warm shower when I got home. 

The Wildlings have had a good day .well except when Harp accidentally smashed the 55inch tv with a yo-yo. Thankfully we have a few TV's , so the lounge one has been replaced for the moment. 
 We managed a quick visit to nana and grandad. And now Mr R is out for dinner. So the boys wanted a Chinese for dinner. So that was ordered early and now they are all playing away quite happily at the moment. I will bath them and take them to bed early. 
I didn't have a good sleep at all last night so I look forward to a early night myself. 

Hope it's been a lovely Saturday for you all. Xx 

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