Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach

Gifts for Mothering Sunday

I daresay there will be lots of flowers blipped for today as mothers all over the country receive bouquets from their grateful children.

Our son and his wife knew we would be away so very thoughtfully didn't buy flowers - but my daughter-in-law knows my weakness is chocolate, so I had a Nutella bread making kit and also 4 Scrabble coffee cups and saucers - she knows I love to play Scrabble so I can now drink coffee while I play! So, many thanks to my son, his lovely wife and our two grandchildren for these gifts and a beautiful card too.

My other grandson's mother also sent a beautiful card and I have just received a text message and a call from our other son in Vietnam - so I am feeling very loved!

My heart goes out to the mother I met last week whose son aged 41 died a year ago and also to those for whom this is a sad day - and there will be many of them.

I found this prayer, which says it all:

God our Creator, we pray:
for new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibility ;
for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting;
for those who are tired, stressed or depressed;
for those who struggle to balance the tasks of work and family;
for those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty;
for those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities;
for those who have children they do not want;
for those who raise children on their own;
for those who have lost a child;
for those who care for the children of others;
for those whose children have left home;
and for those whose desire to be a mother has not been fulfilled.
Bless all mothers, that their love may be deep and tender,
and that they may lead their children to know and do what is good,
living not for themselves alone, but for God and for others.

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