Bye Bye Grandad and Jonty

I took Jonty for a walk, while we still had some sunshine, and bumped into Daniel, Joanne, Hendrix and Buddy on the way to our house. They didn't stay long and I bumped into them again when they, and us, were on our way home.
Stopped for a brief chat and then we said goodbye and off Jonty and I went.
When I got to the corner, just about where I am in the photo, I turned around to check for any traffic, and spotted Buddy still watching us.
I waved goodbye again and off we went.
Later they popped around again and Daniel said that he kept saying "Bye Bye Grandad and Jonty", and when we crossed the road, and went out of sight, Buddy started to follow after us. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
He is such a funny little boy, and he just adores Jonty.

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