Joanna loves dogs  - and she can't resist a Border Collie :-) As you can see, dogs adore Joanna as well! It's a shame that the wind made her hair look like Donald Trump's in this photo, but we liked it anyway.

This afternoon we were on another walk from the Kirkmahoe Parish book; the Green Route from Duncow, up into the hills but all along roads nd farm tracks,  and apart from the trees coming into leaf, the birdsong and the wildflowers on the verges, there was also plenty of archaeological interest. I'm going to pore over the map of the area tonight, as I usually do, and look up some of the features we saw - hill forts and standing stones and the interesting old windmill.

We came to a cottage which the walks book described as a ruin and it was obviously being done up. This is where we met the dog. His owner came to talk to us and we had a most interesting talk. We'll have to return to see the progress of the renovation.

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