Not much in evidence

I mentioned, yesterday, the long-running proposal of a bridge across the bay between Morecambe and Barrow, which I think is a brilliant idea and I hope to see it achieved one day.

The economic benefit of bringing the west coast of Cumbria closer to the rest of the country will outweigh any development costs in the long-term and, anyway, despite what May told Corbyn, there clearly is a "magic money tree". Let's do it.

Another popular development idea is the reopening of the canal between Lancaster and Kendal. Well, I guess that would be nice but it's hard to see the cost benefit, especially as one tremendous expense would be dealing with the fact that it has been built over in several places to accommodate the M6.

Perhaps a smaller challenge will be where the A65 crosses the old canal's route near Asda in Kendal. It's from that point that I took today's photo, although the old canal is not much in evidence.

Reading: 'Touching The Void' by Joe Simpson

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