5,8 kilos

It suddenly got very warm today - 28 degrees C at some point! I was not prepared for that. I was wearing woolen socks.to work!

I worked in one of my offices half of the day and then at home for the rest of the day. 

The boys have been exhausted after a very busy weekend, but Xmas and Tango have now woken up and are wild pups. Xmas has been digging in the water bowl. Water everywhere! And Tango has stolen a bag of rabbit ears and now he is not interested in his dog food. OMG! Those two!

We stopped by the vets on the way home - just for Xmas to go in and say hallo and to check up on his weight. He is now 5,8 kilos - he slowing down a bit now. He has been 5,7 kilos for a couple of weeks. 

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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