Milk Droplet

This is the blip I was hoping to post yesterday having had a reasonably successful session using milk as my droplet solution. However, when I came to process my photos for the first time in ten years of digital photography I encountered the dreaded memory card failure. First of all my computer could not recognise the CF card and then the camera would not recognise it. My success with recovery software in the past has not been great so for the first time in years I didm not post a blip.

Fortunately today one of my friends was coming over who was quite interested to see how I achieved my droplet photography so I was able to have another droplet session with a working CF card.

When you are using milk as your solution because it is opaque all the lighting needs to be done from in front of the droplet  Colours are added by using coloured gels on the flash lights. As the liquid is so much more dense  even when the milk is diluted high water spouts and complex collisions are not possible. However, using a back background adds some drama to the image.

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