Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

First Sighting

A long walk this morning, constantly wondering if the large, black clouds were going to soak us. Luckily it stayed dry and the sun even made an appearance.

Had quite a shock when a fledgling buzzard seemed to drop out of a tree. It landed in the hedge beside us and seemed very disorientated but unharmed. I couldn't see a nest anywhere so came to the conclusion that it couldn't cope with the strong winds and had been grounded. It eventually flapped over the hedge and out of sight.

Later at home, I noticed a roe deer in the fields opposite. I decided to investigate  hoping to perhaps find a youngster. Instead I disturbed a couple of adults who quickly took flight before I had chance of a photo.

As I was now out and about, I continued up to the hare field and barns.
No hares but I had three sightings of the barn owl. By now the sun had set and my focusing could have been better.
Nothing that will win awards but I'm posting it as a record of my first sighting.

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