'T' is for Terror

I thought had an appointment for a Pilates reformer session in the studio this morning but fortunately John and I had coffee at Trail House with one of the teachers who said I wasn't on the schedule. Several phone calls later I was able to reschedule for next week and was spared the trip downtown. Nobody seems to know exactly what went wrong.This is just one more example of how difficult the shutdowns and pandemic rules, which change every five minutes, can make things for a small business and their clients as we all try to adjust.

While all this was going on, Spike kept himself busy lunging toward various cyclists (Trail House is also a bicycle repair shop) as they came and went, testing their bikes in the parking lot or drinking coffee at adjacent tables. He was simultaneously barking, wagging his tail and trying to drag the table to which he was tied into the street. 

A new cannabis dispensary has just opened behind the Trail House. Heaven knows what havoc that will wreak with a drug sniffing dog's brain.

We stopped at the pet store across the street and got dog food and a new Kong as John threw the old one into the weeds and Spike couldn't find it.  Usually if  he comes back without it, it is well and truly lost. I was shocked at the price of the new one. It is about the third one he has had, but it his favorite toy and just about indispensable to this ball obsessed dog. He's very good at finding it considering the hilly terrain and the state of the weeds just now.

There are red flag fire warnings (drought, low humidity, and windy conditions) in effect which means I didn't sleep very well last night.  I wasn't too sorry about missing a Pilates session and our cleaner was here, so we were keeping  an eye on Spike. He seems to have decided that she is not an intruder and that we don't need protection. I have also gotten him used to the stepladder she uses which used to freak him out. 

As Caroline was putting her vacuum cleaner and supplies into her car, and we were congratulating ourselves for our successful socialization, Moises, the window washer arrived. We weren't expecting him because I had lost the date we made six months ago, but he is a lovely man and likes dogs so Spike was cool with him until he went into another part of the house and was rattling his ladder. Every sound the poor man made, Spike would start barking and go tearing down the hall to see if he was trying to break in. It was driving us all crazy, so I put Spike outside until Moises finished inside.  

Somehow during all this, Spike lost his new Kong and my patience is just about at an end He has earned the title 'Terror' today. Good thing he's so cute....

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