Things To Make And Do

By Ruthsowandsew

The ghost of future crumbles

Allotment this morning, where amongst other jobs I harvested some rhubarb to stew for the freezer when I got home. Chopped it up and mixed it with sugar and set it to cook on a low heat, then promptly forgot its existence as I was distracted by downloading photos from my phone and sorting them into folders with names like 'weirdly pollarded trees' or 'weeds in pavements and walls' - most of the photos I save are source material for textile projects. At some point they want culling as well as sorting as I'm sure there's only so many images of nettles and cow parsley and people's dropped face masks I actually need, but that's a job for another day.

Inevitably the rhubarb had boiled over a bit by the time Bear happened to go into the kitchen, but luckily it hadn't burned and is now safely stashed for future crumbles. 

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