The last of the hellebores

We have been hibernating again today, but I had to go to the shop before it closed at 4pm. On my way home, I was held up by a huge horse that was being ridden up our street and which appeared to be rather frisky for the young woman riding it. After I had passed it, I parked the car and rushed in for my camera but by the time I returned to the street the horse was already riding away, so I missed a good opportunity. There is a riding stable at the end of our Horns valley and they are sometimes ridden down our road to practice taking the horse on quiet urban roads.

I stood looking at the rather sad front garden under the glowering grey sky, which seemed to be getting even darker. The only rich colour was offered by these hellebores which have been flowering for several months now. I ended up lying on the ground, as snow started to gently fall trying to get a reasonable angle, which I don't think I managed. This will have to do as I was more concerned about wanting to go and warm up in front of a coal fire with a cup of tea whilst watching some cheap tv.

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