
Little Miss  said we needed to take the dog for a walk, so we walked over to fellow Blipper, Kate's house ( to see her front flower garden; it was the perfect spot of a photo of my little Princess. Ellie loves to dress up and wear tiaras ......since I find lots of cute little fancy dresses at thrift shops, she gets to wear them whenever she wants.

Funny Little Missstory:  We were going out so I told her we needed to go potty before we left.......she said she didn't need to go, but we knew better......I went and sat on the edge of the tub waiting to help her......Little Miss went in the living room and started crying, then screaming.......after awhile she came in the bathroom and calmly asked me if I had heard her crying, I said, "yes, I heard you"......she then asked if I knew she was angry.....I said, "yes, I knew you were angry."....then she wanted to know if I heard her screaming, I said, "I heard you screaming.".....then why didn't you come in the living room?..... I said, "I knew you would work it out by yourself." She said, "okay" and went potty. I wanted to laugh, but was able to stay serious. She is seriously so funny.

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