Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Slimy yet Satisfying

About a year into my marriage, I decided I would invite my in-laws for dinner. I was a hit and miss cook but as I was very fond of my ILs, I wanted to have a nice evening with them. I didn’t know what to cook, so I phoned Margaret (who had been trained in Culinary Arts and Hospitality here ....

and she gave me some advice.

Jean - for main course prepare Chicken Catch-ee-ah-tory (sorry don’t know proper sp). Ok sez I. But Margaret what the hell is it? So she wrote me out the recipe in full and it was perfect for the occasion. And Jean, serve it with your garden potatoes (my husband was good gardener) and then as a salad, serve the brocolli, baby tomatoes (both from our organic garden) and goats cheese. It is the perfect salad with the chicken.

Grand sez I

So I laid a lovely table, used the pottery set from Galway (wedding gift), Crystal glass (from Czech Republic) and Newbridge cutlery.

Everyone served themselves some chicken, bowl of buttery spuds passed around. Then I took salad bowl from fridge and was just about to hand it to M-I-L when I glanced into the bowl and spotted a big, juicy, greeny and very alive caterpillar on a piece of brocolli.

Shock horror !

What was I to do!

My husband was chatting to his brother and I couldn’t distract him.

I sat there and looked at the cp - the cp looked back at me. And in that split second when everything becomes clear and you know what you have to do, I took my spoon, scooped up some tomato, cheese and the brocolli wherein he did languish, and dear reader, I basically ate him. Yes that is what I did. I ate the cp.

And then I smiled ‘cos basically he was slimy but oddly satisfying

And I promise you this is a true story

My blip is a similar salad sans cp

And you have to watch this ... it’s hilarious

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