There is a snake in the paradise

Today I had an unexpected encounter with a snake in the forest. My first reaction is that my heart starts to beat, my legs feel weak and my mouth gets dry. Instead of escaping from the situation I take my camera and try to get pictures of this creature. We both have a big amount of respect for each other. I keep my distance while this reptile moves quite quickly to a safer place.

So. There was a snake in the paradise. Literally. 

Last night I happened to google my name, I just was curious to know what pops up. And indeed I found something that figuratively was the snake of internet. Somebody, I have no idea who, had put up a fake internet page in my name "Nina Lindfors, by Runner". The name of the page is 

So that it would not have been enough, the one who made this also had stolen my pictures from my Behance portfolio. Also the text was ugly: "Where pixels go to die". 

So now I have talked to the police and he encouraged me to make a report of an offence. I will go to the police station and report this. 

I'm not expecting any compensation, because these matters are so complicated. So I will just try the one who is responsible to remove all information about me and my images.

The worst thing with this fake page is that if any new client would google my name, they might stumble upon this and make conclusions. Not a good thing for me.

I will keep you updated when something moves with this matter.

+ extra picture of the tale of the snake.

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