Ice Breaker

Tiny Tuesday is a marvellous challenge - what an abundance of interesting pix from jewelled beetles to creepy crawlies to glamorous moths to treasured brooches to dead rats - yes two of the latter! So difficult to chose five but I shall have to give it a go:
Harebrain - amongst many adorable cygnets her's stood out for its sheer fluffiness and for the reflections in the water, and there's a bit of a tense story behind it
Ingeborg: again the ladybirds are coming out and there were some beauties but there's something about the sharpness of the red and the softness of the blue I liked here
SK for her good luck phallus, I'm not sure we've had one of those before on Blip and it's a beauty
Incredibish for the sheer wonder of centipedes
stevvi for gasp inducing details on a creature that can be hard to love

Honourable mentions
Craftylady's koala brooch, gorgeous colours
Suejay's technicolour spider
RedRach for gruesome yet oddly compelling goings on
davidc for another slightly shiver inducing but brilliant image
Linxpix for some astonishingly colourful spiderlings
Andrew44 for some beautiful details on a shield bug
TMLHereAndThere - for actually throwing  out rat brought in by the cats then going back to retrieve it when she found out what the challenge was!
There's a wonderful selection this week - check out tag TT311 if you want to see them all. 

A day of heavy rain with the odd mad burst of sunshine - at the same time. I nipped out for a walk when Himself went to get his second jab. I got soaked at the beginning and end and dried off a bit in the middle. Kitchen Cove was looking incredibly smooth and luminous but I encountered more smoothness when I had a mooch around the Heron Gallery's beautiful gardens - now open. This is in their meditation garden, a peaceful place to sit albeit in the rain today. Something rather nice about these glass balls, decorative but also ice breakers. Thanks to BobBlips for today's Wide Wednesday Challenge.

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