Penguin Droppings

By gen2


Created by a rare combination of atmospheric/meteorological conditions.  This is the first time I have observed such a phenomenon.

The previous days have been cool but it is a lot warmer today.
A heavy shower of rain occurred 1 to 2 hours earlier, wetting the fields.
A break in the cloud allowed the sun to heat up the exposed soil in the fields, evaporating some of the moisture.
The sea temperature is still cold so the lowest level of a light on-shore breeze was chilled to close to its dew-point and then when passing over the fields, it chilled the rising water vapour sufficiently to produce condensation.

The result was multiple steaming fields. Mostly above totally bare fields, less from fields where crops were germinating but bare earth between the rows still lay exposed, none above fields with full ground-cover.

This was taken from beside the 'kissing trees' just inland from Kinghorn.

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