Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Mud glorious mud

Graham is the owner of a Haulage Company in our village. His wife Rita featured a while back. 
His vehicles are immaculate and they do what it says on the tin! When we were having our little rear garden built the waller ordered 20 tons of top soil which he wanted to use to bind the stones together, so he wanted a particular consistency. Pity he didn’t tell Graham. Luckily I had placed ten 8 x 4 boards on the driveway, 20 tons later the waller looked at the soil, crumbled it and said, “Wrong stuff.” 
“Not my problem…….you tell Graham!” We kept it, and got 20 tons of the right sort later in the day. 

Back to yesterday and language “confusion” plus differences with Chinese. 

I was working away at my pipe in our office at the Helicopter base at Shekou, just outside Shenzhen. In walked my favourite interpreter, Shur Jing (Jenny). She was from Mongolia, was tall, attractive and had total disrespect for me, a mere male and European at that! There were three of us in the office but because Jenny and I had such a great relationship she said, “Capt Pally-La, the Chinese Government have decided that all foreigners must have an AIDS test.” 
“Why are you telling me Jenny?”
“You are foreigners!”
“Nah, and nah again, we are not foreigners; we are British!!!!”
“Ohhh Pally-La, you clazy.”

Occasionally our conversations went deeper than interpreting for the Chinese co-pilots.
“Mr Stewart has led hair, Mr Lobinson has bronde hair, you have blown hair……”
“Why aren’t you rike Chinese and all have brack hair????”
Honestly we spent nearly an hour going over the Rift Valley, migration to other regions, Melanin, sun exposure, Arctic conditions and Blondes, you name it we discussed it. It seems that the subjects such as Origin of the Species, of genetics and genetic mutations was not covered at school or in open discussion. 
That caused a few ripples. Or should that be Lipples?

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