Heavenly Odour of Appleblossom on Ascenscion Day

I have aways known in advance when it would be Ascenscion Day. Have I been so busy with worldly arrangements, doing things? How did I forgot it to be today. I was up early and started my usual rituals. Then looking on Teletext for the newest Covid-figures, I saw this announcement of the Annual Oecumenical Days: An open air oecumenical service livestreamed from a Frankfurter skyscraper.
Himmelfahrt, OMG! So I hurried up to be ready in time. At least I could bring up that minimal synchronicity. So I was happy to be able to participate in this wellprepared oecumenical service under a open sunny sky. Here outside it remained greyish cloudy for the rest of the day. I could feel elevated. Especially by the words of the Prior of Taize, Pere Alois: In Faith its not about Living in Securities. But its a way of Being on the Way of Hope.
This afternoon after reading on Our balcony, I did go for a beautiful walk. I have described this way more than once. But something new presented itself underway: Blossoming Appletrees!
Not only the flowers are very fine and full of beauty and color. But really the appleblossom odour..Just smelling and inhaling it, with your eyes closed. A way of being in Heaven, feeling so close to You, my DearestLove. And at the same time so basically down to earth, overflowing with joy of lovely life.

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