One click at a time

By KeithKnight


Following a comment by a former blipper on her Facebook page I was reminded to add Aubergines to my weekly shopping list so that I could make a moussaka to add to my pre-prepared meals in my freezer.
I now have an additional 29 meals (10 different meals) in the freezer.
I did hit a problem though, I have quite a few more containers left, and quite a few more lids, however, none of them seem to match, so the last portion is in a container wrapped in clingfilm.
Photoshop seems to have done an update as the ability to save a JPG from the Save As option has been removed, and a new Save a Copy option added to the File menu which you have to use to save a JPG The Save a Copy can also be accessed from a button in the Save As option, but it had me puzzled for a little while.

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