
By cowgirl

Bluebell time again

I love May! The leaves are coming out making the trees and hedges a beautiful fresh green, and spring flowers are coming into their own, notably the bluebells.

I’m lucky enough to live close to oceans of them, which is in an area where I spent my blessed childhood. I always knew I was lucky to live out where there are no street lights, no public transport and at one time, very little traffic aside from the tractors of the local farmers.

Today was a walking with Joy day ... we almost made it without getting wet too. For the last 5 mins heading back towards the cars we were pounded by a hail shower. As Joy said, “ we’re not getting as wet as we would if it was raining “.

Sitting in the car with a flask of coffee and a generous Millionaire’s slice, Joy suddenly pointed behind me, where a kestrel had settled about 10 feet away. Gosh darn it - if only I had my proper camera not my iPhone with me! *sigh*. You can just about make him/her out in the extra, with a couple more bluebell shots. I especially like the little white stitchwort flowers that thread themselves in amongst them.

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