Cut Flower Garden

Today's the day ........................... for new beginnings

Back in the depths of winter, I treated myself to something from that well known supplier of all things a gardener could ever wish for - Sarah Raven.

It came in a tin box and it was a sort of kit to produce your very own 'cut flower' garden.  The sort of place you would go to in your big floppy hat -  with your trug over your arm, that you would fill with beautiful flowers to arrange for the house?  Well it all sounded good to me.  And it came with a plan and full instructions on what to do with the 13 packets of seeds that were also in the tin.

And actually, I have really enjoying watching the seeds appear in the greenhouse over the past couple of months.  Most of them are completely new to me - but I'm very confident that if Sarah says they're good for cut flowers, they will be.  Will has allocated a bit of the garden just for this project - and has made it into a perfect space with paths, ready to receive my seedlings as they get big enough.

Today was the ceremonial planting of the first of them - two different types of sweet peas which will grow up a wigwam right in the middle.  Right now they are heavily protected from the possible ravages of pigeons, blackbirds or rabbits (they wouldn't dare?!) - but hopefully they will grow well and soon be joined by other plants.

I'll keep you posted .......................

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