Tired face

I spoke to Katie this morning, to try help her sort out getting a file she needed for lunchtime's NCO sectional. I haven't spoken to her since then, though we've exchanged quite a few messages. She had decided she didn't want to come on to the church zoom so she could just hang out in the house for a bit, but then remembered she needed me to download her part and email it to her.

She was off almost straight away after NCO for a coaching session with her dectet with the visiting Head of Performance from the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. Another fabulous opportunity for her!

She sent me a few messages after I had finished work this afternoon telling me her dinner had been a bit gross (lots of fat on her turkey, I suspect it was in fact pork...) and they were going to play a game that they had made themselves. She told me she was missing me a lot today and was trying very hard to be brave. She had a chat with Moll and I got a message from Moll's mum to say they were both laughing away. I've also heard from another friend that Katie had a nice chat with Lydi tonight too. She's been feeling a bit cut off from her friends, a lot of them aren't writing/replying to messages/ taking her calls, so it was really lovely for her.

She's home in 12 sleeps time. 

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