Living Out An Authentic Faith

It was another Sunday morning filled with blessings from start to finish.  My younger brother, Larry, started the outpouring of blessings when he played and sang a  worship. song that he had written.  He even taught us the chorus, so that, after he sang the verses, we could join him on the chorus!  Then Ben and Daniel kept the worship rolling with contemporary and traditional songs,  with the choir adding the finishing touch singing a beautiful rendition of "It Is Well With My Soul".  Rick Randall filled the pulpit in Bro. David's absence.  When Bro. Rick is in the pulpit, we are never quite sure what is going to happen, but we know that we will hear God's message for us in a memorable way and today was no exception!  Bro,. Rick spoke to us about four things he wanted us to remember. First, God has a purpose, which is to reconcile sinful man to perfect God .  Second, God has a plan to achieve that purpose.  Third, God has a place in His plan that involves us as individuals.  And, fourth, the time and place in God's plan to  achieve His purpose is here and now and He chooses to use us!  Bro. Rick brought a guest with him to talk about living out your authentic faith in the workplace and in your daily life.  His guest was retired police chief from the Austin Police Department, Brian Manley , who told us about the challenges of walking the walk and talking the talk even as he was doing his  job as a policeman and seeing many people on the worst day of their lives.  He can't preach to the people he comes into contact with, but he can be a caring example of God's love and care for them that could change their lives and point them in a better direction.  Maybe, God could touch someone's life through you this week through a smile or a kind word.  You may never know, but God already has a plan and He knows.......

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