The Redhead Express

Community Concerts are the coolest thing. We've missed many seasons, but are so glad to have jumped into this one mid stream. I can't describe to you the delight in seeing The Redhead Express in concert at our High School auditorium today. Blooming right out of the heart of the Walker Family, the four girls, their three younger brothers, mom and dad all entertained with such forward momentum, it left me wanting more, more more!

Banjos, mandolin, fiddle, guitar, stand up bass, box drum, slide guitar....and fabulous voices! But they didn't just make music together...they played well. Really well. The Walker family have invested 110% of their lives in pursuing every ounce of this passion of making music and developing their gifts together.

This photo was taken of dad, Bret Walker, while he was taking a photo of the audience for their FB page.

What fun we had! We took along a couple young redheaded friends who assured us they had an awesome time too!

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