Opening Up

A local shop has been shut for a month while the awning was being repaired.
When I walked past there was much cleaning and washing of windows, and I got a big smile when I held up the phone.
Just as well, as it was looking like a blipless day.

There's much debate at the moment about how to encourage more people to get vaccinated against Covid.
It would seem that about 30% of the population is happy to remain unvaccinated.
Not anti vaxxers, just people concerned about the possible ill effects, especially from the Astra Zeneca vaccine, which is the most readily available.
The same percentage want our borders to remain closed, quite happy to maintain Fortress Australia, apparently.

In order to rouse people from their complacency, it is being suggested that there should be an ad campaign similar to the grim reaper ad in 1987, which was designed to increase awareness of AIDS.
That was certainly effective.
It scared the living daylights out of everyone..

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